- Getting started Getting started
- Working with courses Working with courses
- Working with assignments Working with assignments
- Authoring and editing problems Authoring and editing problems
- Integrating with your LMS Integrating with your LMS
- Using adaptive learning Using adaptive learning
- Opportunities for graduate students Opportunities for graduate students
Getting started
Managing your Account
- Signing up as an educator
- Signing up as a student
- Canceling a subscription
- Updating your account information or password
- Viewing your invoices
Educator/Institution FAQs
- What is Edfinity?
- Is Edfinity accessible/ADA-compliant?
- Edfinity HECVAT Documentation
- What customer support does Edfinity offer?
- Edfinity Support Responsiveness Statistics
Student FAQs
- How do I find/enroll in my Edfinity course?
- I can't see my course in my account. What should I do?
- Dropping a course
- Getting a refund for a dropped course
- Setting up email reminders for assignments
Bookstore FAQs
Administrator FAQs
Working with courses
Course creation and other basics
- (video) Course setup
- (video) Combining content from multiple courses into a new course
- Creating or copying a course
- Archiving or restoring a course
- Editing course details
Managing students
- Managing students in a course
- Searching, filtering, and sorting students in a course
- Inviting and enrolling students in a course
- Enrolling in your own course for free
- Dropping and re-enrolling students
Managing assignments and scores
- Managing assignments in a course
- Sorting, filtering, and searching for assignments
- Showing and hiding an assignment
- Scheduling assignments with a course calendar
- Monitoring a student's progress in a course
Working with grade books
- (video) Adding an offline grade to Edfinity
- Viewing and managing student grade books in a course
- Configuring the grade book for a course
- Viewing a student's grades in a course
- Editing grade book settings for an assignment
Working with assignment templates
- Getting started with assignment templates
- Creating an assignment template
- Editing an assignment template
- Applying an assignment template to an assignment
- Deleting an assignment template
Using coordinated (multi-section) courses
- Getting started with coordinated (multi-section) courses
- (video) Managing a member section of a coordinated course as an instructor
- Transferring a student to a different member section in a coordinated course
- (video) Creating and sharing a member section in a coordinated course
- Managing assignment content in a coordinated course
Working with assignments
Creating and editing assignments
- (video) Editing assignments
- Creating or copying an assignment
- Deleting an assignment
- Moving and re-ordering assignments
- Setting prerequisites for an assignment (conditional release)
Building assignment content
- Managing problems in an assignment
- Adding a problem to an assignment
- (video) Searching for problems to add to an assignment
- (video) Adding instructions and learning resources to an assignment
- Setting the maximum number of points for an assignment
Managing student work (submissions)
- (video) Setting availability (available date, due date, release date, late work) for an assignment
- Giving an extension for an assignment (changing the due date or other dates for a student)
- Viewing scores and student progress within an assignment
- Viewing a student's work on an assignment
- Rescoring student work on an assignment
Working with exams and quizzes
- (video) Creating assignments, quizzes, and tests
- Using activation codes to administer a test to a group of students
- Giving student additional time (accommodations) on a timed assignment
- Test Generator (Beta)
- Specifying a time limit for an assignment
Working with assignment controls
Authoring and editing problems
- (video) ALICE: Edfinity’s AI-powered question authoring and course creation tool
- (video) Helping students while they do their homework with contextualized hints and feedback
- Creating a problem
- Editing a problem
- Problem reference guide
- Previewing a problem
Authoring non-algorithmic problems
- Adding a Text/Media problem part to a problem
- Rendering problem parts within a table layout
- Adding a Sequence part to a problem
- Adding a Select Point part to a problem
- Adding a Short Answer part to a problem
Authoring algorithmic problems using WeBWorK
- (video) Authoring an algorithmic problem using WeBWorK
- (video) Adding hints to an algorithmic (WeBWorK) problem
- (video) Authoring a GeoGebra graphing problem
- (video) Importing a previously authored WeBWorK problem to Edfinity
- Allow students to use a graphical equation editor to answer questions
Integrating with your LMS
Integrating with Canvas
- Getting started with Canvas LTI integration
- Configuring Edfinity as an external tool in Canvas (Administrator's guide)
- Connecting to an Edfinity course from Canvas
- Connecting to a multi-section (coordinated) Edfinity course from Canvas
- Copying a connected course from within Canvas
Integrating with D2L Brightspace
Integrating with Blackboard
Integrating with Moodle
Integrating with Sakai
Using adaptive learning
- (video) Edfinity Adaptive Learning: Personalized support for every student
- Getting started with Adaptive Learning
- Enabling adaptive learning in a course
- Tracking a student's mastery of an assignment (adaptive learning)
- Adding and removing prerequisite skills needed for assignment mastery (adaptive learning)