Each problem consists of one or more problem parts (see the Problem reference guide for more information on the problem part types available).
To edit a problem:
- Go to the assignment and select the Problems tab.
- Select the problem content cell to open a preview, and then select Edit problem in the header. This will open the problem editor.
- Remember to publish your changes once you are done.
To add a problem part:
- Go to the problem and select the Edit tab.
- Select Add part (header) and then select a part type.
To remove a problem part:
- Go to the problem and select the Edit tab.
- In the parts table, select the Delete part (trash icon) button in the part row.
- Select Delete to confirm.
To edit a problem part:
- Go to the problem and select the Edit tab.
- Select the part contents to open the part editor.
To preview your problem interactively:
- Go to the problem and select the Preview tab.