By default, Edfinity supports two distinct assignment control modes: "Single attempt" mode, typically used for tests, where students can only attempt items a single time and are not given feedback; and "Multiple attempts" mode, used for homework, where students can attempt items multiple times and are generally given correctness feedback.
This article covers a third mode, "Single attempt with retakes". This mode is a hybrid of single and multiple attempt modes, and can be used in scenarios where you want the student to be able to take a test multiple times, but not receive feedback on incorrect responses until after they've finished the entire test.
Specifically, the mode works as follows:
- An instructor configures an assignment to use this mode, and specifies the number of times a student can take a test ("Max. retakes"). Note that if you specify a time limit for the test, the timer will be active across all retakes (a single, uninterrupted session).
- A student starts the test. They work through the test, with no correctness feedback.
- When the student is done, they submit the test for review.
- The student is taken to a "review" page. They are given correctness feedback along with their score. They cannot review their work at this time.
- The student is given the options of (a) turning in their test, or (b) retaking it (assuming they have retakes remaining). If a student achieves a perfect score on the test, they will not be asked to retake it.
- If the student chooses to retake the test, they are taken back to it. Items are marked for correctness, previous attempts are displayed (if enabled in the controls), and the student can work on incorrect items.
- When the student is ready, they can submit their test again for review and the overall flow is repeated.
- After the student turns in their test, they are taken back to their course.
If you choose to use this mode for a test, we highly recommend that you preview the test as a student ahead of time in order to familiarize yourself with how this mode works and to ensure that all of your various control settings are as you want them.