Because a member section inherits its content from a coordinator section in a coordinated course, managing the section and its assignments is a bit different from that of a normal course.
- Assignments are inherited from the coordinator section
- Course content (assignments and included problems and items, as well as instructors and learning resources) is inherited from the coordinator course. You can, however, create local assignments in a member section that are specific to that section and not managed by the coordinator section. See Creating or copying an assignment.
- Inherited assignments cannot be deleted, but their availability (due date, available date, visibility, etc) can either be inherited from the coordinator assignment or customized as desired. See Customizing availability settings in a member section assignment.
- Inherited assignment controls (defining how students interact with an assignment) cannot be modified.
- Some components in each member section are unique to the section.
- Each member section has its own student roster.
- Certain assignment and section settings are customizable.
- Student transfers are easy and work is preserved after the transfer. See Transferring a student across sections in a coordinated course for more information.
The following video walks through many of the topics covered in this article.