Adaptive learning must be enabled for the course and the assignment.
Prerequisite skills are underlying skills that a student needs to master in order to achieve mastery in an assignment. Edfinity has a default skills graph built into all of the courses, and each assignment starts with a default set of prerequisite skills, but you can customize those skills.
To add prerequisite skills (adaptive learning) to an assignment:
- Go to the assignment and select the Settings > Adaptive learning tab.
- Under prerequisite skills, select Select skills, and select the prerequisite skills you want to add.
- Select Select.
To remove a prerequisite skill (adaptive learning) from an assignment:
- Go to the assignment and select the Settings > Adaptive learning tab.
- Under prerequisite skills, select the Remove skill (trash) icon next to a skill to remove it.
To re-order prerequisite skills (adaptive learning) in an assignment:
- Go to the assignment and select the Settings > Adaptive learning tab.
- Under prerequisite skills, select the Drag handle to move skills as needed.