This advanced article explains how to integrate a multi-section Canvas course or multiple Canvas courses with a multi-section (coordinated) Edfinity course (one coordinator section and multiple member sections). This article assumes:
- You are already familiar with how to integrate Edfinity and Canvas. If necessary, please read Connecting to an Edfinity course from Canvas first.
- You have already set up a coordinated course. See Getting started with coordinated (multi-section) courses for more information.
Use case 1: Integrating an Edfinity coordinated course with multiple Canvas courses
If you have multiple instructors, each with their own Canvas course, please read and follow these instructions carefully to ensure that the integration works properly.
- Create your Canvas courses. Students should only be enrolled in one Canvas course at a time.
- Create your Edfinity coordinator section.
- Create one Edfinity member section for each Canvas course. See Creating a member section in a coordinated course for more information.
- In each Canvas course, use the Edfinity link in the navigation menu to connect to the appropriate Edfinity member section. Do not link to the coordinated course. See Integrating Canvas with Edfinity for more information.
Use case 2: Integrating an Edfinity coordinated course with a Canvas course that has multiple sections
Canvas supports adding multiple sections to a single course. Course content and grade book are the same for all sections. Students enroll in child sections and can be transferred easily among them. Edfinity supports a similar configuration with coordinated courses. A coordinated courses allows each instructor to use the same assignments while managing their own member section(s) within Edfinity with distinct student rosters and assignment availability.
If you have a Canvas course with multiple sections, you can set up a coordinated course within Edfinity that mirrors your Canvas course structure. This lets students easily enroll in the right Edfinity section, and makes it possible to synchronize Canvas section transfers in Edfinity so that student work and grades are preserved.
If you have a single Canvas course with multiple sections, please carefully read and follow these instructions to ensure that the integration works properly.
- Create your Canvas course and child sections. Students should only be enrolled in one Canvas section at a time.
- Create your Edfinity coordinator section.
- Create one Edfinity member section for each Canvas section. See Creating a member section in a coordinated course for more information.
- Ensure that Canvas section names and Edfinity member section names match exactly. This allows Edfinity to match students coming from your Canvas course to the right Edfinity member section.
- Using the "Edfinity" link in your Canvas navigation, link your Canvas course to your Edfinity coordinator course. Do not link to a member course. See Connecting to an Edfinity course from Canvas for more information.
Transferring a student between sections
One benefit of using an Edfinity coordinated course is that student transfers can be done without the loss of any student work.
To transfer a student between sections:
- Within Canvas, if you are transferring between courses, enroll the student in the new course. If you are transferring between sections, move the student to the new section.
- Within Edfinity, transfer the student to the corresponding member section. See Transferring a student to a different member section in a coordinated course for more information.
The above process ensures that all student work is preserved after the transfer is completed.