You can link your Edfinity course to Blackboard in one of two ways:
- You can link each Edfinity assignment to Blackboard individually and a grade will be passed back for each assignment. This is the most common configuration.
- You can also link to an entire Edfinity course as a single Blackboard assignment, and a single averaged grade for all assignments (calculated by the Edfinity grade book) will be passed back to Blackboard.
Step 1: Indicate your course will be accessed from Blackboard
This step needs to be completed prior to student enrollment in the relevant Edfinity course.
- Go to your course on Edfinity, select the Settings > LMS Integration tab.
- Select From your LMS and then select Blackboard.
- Specify how you would like your grades passed back to Blackboard (per assignment or single summary grade).
- Modify other settings as desired.
Step 2: Add Edfinity to your Blackboard course menu
Your Blackboard admin needs to add Edfinity as a Blackboard tool before you can link your Edfinity course to Blackboard. If you do not see Edfinity in your your course navigation menu, please ask your institution's Blackboard administrator follow the steps in the administration guide.
- In your course, click the small circled "+" button on the top left of the left menu, and select Tool Link.
- In the Add Tool Link dialog, set name = Edfinity and type = Edfinity.
- Select Available to Users, and then Submit.
Step 3: Connect your Blackboard and Edfinity courses
- Select Edfinity in your course navigation.
- In the course selector, select the Edfinity course that corresponds with the Blackboard course and select Connect courses.
- Please configure your assignments (due date, etc.) in Edfinity, not in Blackboard.
- Your students can start their Edfinity assignments by clicking the Edfinity link in their Blackboard course navigation.