You can use extra credit to reward students for working on more challenging problems. To give a student extra credit for one or more problems:
- Go to the assignment and select the Problems tab.
- Select a problem's points.
- The editor will go into "edit mode" to let you edit points for each problem. Select Extra credit and specify points as desired.
- Select Save on the toolbar to save your point and extra credit edits.
Viewing the impact of extra credit on a student's score
- Go to the assignment and select the Scoring tab.
- Select the student's name to open the grade dialog.
- Select View assignment to view their work.
- Extra credit, when given, will be noted on various tabs.
- Select the Items tab and navigate to each item. If an item gives extra credit, it will be noted.
- Select the Results tab. The total extra credit bonus will be noted.
Students will also be notified while working on items if they give extra credit, and will be able to see how extra credit affects their score.