Edfinity is deeply committed to affordable access. Our pricing is as follows:
- Educator access is free.
- The indicative cost of student access is $35/term/course for baseline functionality and $(35 - 50)/term/course with optional functionality (including but not limited to Adaptive Learning, High-stakes Testing, Edfinity's AI suite, OfficeHours, bespoke Content Development) and/or additional support. Read more about Edfinity's AI suite here - Alice, Anna, StepByStep.
- The indicative pricing above is only applicable when students enroll and pay directly via Edfinity.com under our standard terms of use. Edfinity may quote different prices for institutions with non-standard usage, support requirements, or bespoke contracting/RFP processes.
- Custom contracts, procurement processes, and requisition procedures will result in higher prices to account for the additional administrative costs and associated risks incurred by us.
- In general, Edfinity tailors pricing to best fit each institution's unique needs, considering factors such as scale of adoption, choice of functionality, and level of support. Our aim is to ensure that your institution receives a bespoke package that aligns closely with your specific requirements and objectives.
- Edfinity pricing always includes exceptional, uncompromising support and continuous technological innovation.
- Credit Card Processing Fee: Please be aware that our prices listed may exclude a credit card fee, typically in the range of 3-4%, which is charged by our payment processor in compliance with all applicable federal, state, and other relevant laws and regulations. This fee, necessary for secure and efficient payment processing, is not a revenue for Edfinity but a direct cost from the payment processing service.
- Price Guarantee. Edfinity will beat the price of any functionally equivalent platform by at least 30%, ensuring that you always receive the best value.
- Pricing for institutional bulk purchases on credit, where payment is deferred until after student enrollment, starts at $60 per student, per course, per term. This includes unlimited support, hosting, and a range of ancillary services for both educators and students. The final price may vary based on the specific terms of support and contractual provisions agreed upon.
Please contact us with any questions or pick a time to chat with us at calendly.com/edfinity.