If you have integrated Edfinity with Canvas, you can use Respondus to monitor students as they complete an Edfinity assignment.
Important: Use of the Respondus lockdown browser is only supported in a proctored setting, not for fully-remote users. Unsupervised users can bypass the Respondus restrictions if not supervised.
Configuring Respondus proctoring with an Edfinity assignment
- Ensure you have Respondus properly installed within Canvas.
- Create a deep-linked assignment that launches the desired Edfinity assignment. See Integrating Canvas with Edfinity (LTI 1.1) for more information.
- In Edfinity, configure the assignment to require a password to start. See Password-protecting an assignment for more information.
- In Canvas, copy the URL for your Canvas assignment to the clipboard. It should look something like "courses/[id]/assignments/[yy]".
- Select Quizzes > +Quiz, then select Questions > +New Question.
- Set question type = Text.
- In the message text, enter instructions for your students and the password you set in Edfinity.
- Create a link and use the URL you copied above.
- Select Update Question.
- In the sidebar, click LockDown Browser. If prompted, authorize LockDown Browser.
- Your new quiz should be listed.
- Select Settings, and then Require Respondus LockDown browser for this exam.
- Select Advanced Settings > Allow access to specific web domains.
- Copy and paste the following domains: edfinity.com, webwork.edfinity.com, d2b8iahp55539n.cloudfront.net, fonts.googleapis.com,fonts.gstatic.com,cdn.jsdeliver.net,d1q29jrdo98n6g.cloudfront.net
- Select Save.