Students can access Edfinity assignments from Sakai without creating an Edfinity account. When a student completes an assignment, the grade is passed back to Sakai. These steps need to be completed prior to student enrollment in the relevant Edfinity course.
1: Indicate your Edfinity course will be accessed from Sakai
To indicate students will access the course via LMS, go to your course and open the LMS integration section of the Settings tab.
- Go to your course on Edfinity, select the Settings > LMS Integration tab.
- Select From your LMS and then select Sakai.
- Specify how you would like your grades passed back to Sakai (per assignment or single summary grade).
- Modify other settings as desired.
2: Connect your Sakai and Edfinity courses
From your LMS, you can link a lesson to each Edfinity assignment individually and a grade will be passed back for each assignment. This is the most common configuration. You can also, link to an entire Edfinity course as a single Sakai assignment with an averaged grade. Note: These steps may vary slightly based on your Sakai version. Contact us at with questions.
Linking to individual assignments (multiple grades)
- From Edfinity, go to your assignment, and open the LMS integration section on the Settings tab. Copy the External tool URL.
- From Sakai, open your course, select Lesson, and then select Add content.
- Select Add External Tool. Select Edfinity.
- Provide a tool title (e.g., the Edfinity assignment name) and paste your External tool URL in the the Launch URL field.
- Select Save.
- A link will be added in the lesson to the specified assignment.
Linking to an entire course (single grade)
- Go to your Edfinity course and select the Settings tab. Open the LMS integration section and select Summarized as a single course grade as your pass back option.
- Select the Clipboard icon to copy the external tool URL.
- From Sakai, open your course, select Lesson, and then select Add content.
- Select Add External Tool. Select Edfinity.
- Provide a tool title (e.g., the Edfinity assignment name) and paste your External tool URL in the the Launch URL field.
- Select Save.
- A link will be added in the lesson to the specified course.
Coordinating due dates
Edfinity and your LMS both have a means of setting availability dates and due dates. Issues can arise when the two systems get out of sync.
Grades are posted from Edfinity to your LMS when an assignment is finished. This happens either after the due date passes, or when a student finishes an assignment with the "Release when completed" release method configured.
Unless you have all of your assignments set to "Release when completed," you will need to coordinate due dates. We recommend using Edfinity to manage the dates and allow unrestricted access to assignments from within your LMS. If this isn't possible, you will need to ensure due dates are manually synchronized in both systems in order to prevent issues with availability.