You are probably seeing this page if your access code was not accepted by our system because it was purchased by a bookstore at another school. Edfinity access codes can only be used at the school that purchased them, so you should inform your bookstore that they need to obtain access codes that are tied to your school, and provide you with one.
Here are two emails to send to your bookstore and to your instructor.
Email to bookstore
Subject: Received an invalid Edfinity access code from the bookstore - action required
The Edfinity access code that I received from your bookstore didn't work, and Edfinity informed me that it was invalid because it had been purchased by a different institution. Edfinity access codes only work at the institution that purchased them (as stated on Edfinity's bookstore Terms of Service page here: It's possible you obtained access codes from another institution using Edfinity, rather than directly from Edfinity.
Could you please purchase access codes directly from Edfinity that can be used at our institution? It takes two minutes to obtain Edfinity access codes. The entire process can be completed online, and codes are instantly digitally delivered. A step-by-step video can be found here: If you have any questions, you can contact the Edfinity team at
Once you have received the codes, I would appreciate it if you would provide me with one for use in my class as soon as possible. Thank you very much!
Email to instructor
Subject: Received an invalid Edfinity access code from the bookstore - please forward to bookstore
I wanted to let you know that the Edfinity access code that I received from the bookstore did not work, and Edfinity informed me that it was not valid because it was purchased by a different institution. Edfinity access codes only work at the institution that purchased them (this is stated on Edfinity's bookstore Terms of Service page here:, so this may have happened because the bookstore obtained access codes from another institution using Edfinity, rather than directly from Edfinity.
Could you please ask the bookstore to purchase access codes directly from Edfinity that can be used at our institution? It takes two minutes to obtain Edfinity access codes. The entire process can be completed online, and codes are instantly digitally delivered. A step-by-step video can be found here: If they have any questions, they can contact the Edfinity team at
Once the bookstore has received the codes, please ask them to provide me with one for use in my class as soon as possible. Thank you very much!